Dr Melon Joseph
Mark Mac Callum Cancer Care Centre
Dear Dr Joseph
Re: Mr William Thompson
DOB: 01/June/1952
Mr William Thompson who has been diagnosed with oligodrndroglioma, he is recovering from croniotomy. He requires assessment and further management at your facility.
Mr Thompson was admitted to our facility on 26/10/2021 with the complaints of headache and vomiting for three months. He had four episodes of convulsion, and his wife noticed about his memory and behavior changes. On assessment his intracranial presser has elvated as evidanced by frontal love dysfunction. His MRI indicated Glioblastoma, he was diagnosed with Oligodrndroglioma, he underwent to craniotomy post-operatively he had mild impaired speech, therefore speech therapy has been initiated. He was commenced on antibiotics and painkillers as well as antacid, and he was daily living activities with assisted. His recoverying well.
On 3/11/2021, Mr Thompson started to mobilize without assistance and his speech had improved. His histopathology report showed grade 03 anapaestic oligodendrolima.
Based on about information, Mr Thompson needs radiation therapy and adjuvant temozolamide chemotherapy. If you provide further treatment and management to overcome his present difficulties.
If you have further queries, kindly contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Nurse in charge.