Maternal and child Health Nurse
Greenville Maternal and Child Health Centre
Main Road
22 March 2010
Dear Nurse
Re: Ann Ballard, Aged 22 months
Baby Ann who has been recovering from a 2nd degree Burn injury to the right arm and trunk, require follow-up care and support following her discharge today.
Ann was admitted to the children Hospital on 16 March 2010 with a butn Injury following accidentally scalded with hot water. She is effectively managed with Silvazine dressing twice daily, prophylatic antibiotic therapy along with fluid management and appropriate analgesics. Additionally her mother has been reffered to hospital because of her social issues.
Ann lives with her mother, she us recently seperated from husband socially. Isolated and looks depressed. They lives a new housing development and have been facing financial difficulties after seperation.
It is recommended to do daily dressing for Ann. It would be greatly appreciated if you could Assess her mother-mental status and kindly introduce them into local supportive groups. An appointment with local financial counsellor would be beneficial for them to solve their current Financial crisis.
Should you require any further information. Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully
Charge Nurse