The Nursing Unit Manager
Rehabilitation Centre
10 January 2014
Re: Mrs Beryl Casey, DOB: 21 November 1941
Thank you accepting Mrs Beryl Casey, who underwent left hemoarthroplasty requires further care and management following her transfer today.
Mrs Casey was admitted on 04 February 2014 following a fall from bed to floor. The x-ray revealed that her left neck of femur fractured. Upon post operatively, she was commenced on medications and dressing. After three days, she started to mobilise with the help of assistance and gradually improved. She was using abduction pillow and antiembolic stockings for 14 days. Her alternate staples are removed and dressing changed.
Mrs Casey lives alone, and is on Ramipril 05 mg as well as paracetamol 1g needs to be continued.
It would be appreciated, if you could monitor her blood pressure twice a day for three days. Please assess for rehabilitation therapy until her condition improve. Kindly remove the remaining staples on the 10th day and wound can exposed afterwards.
Please do not hesitate to contact ne for further queries.
Yours faithfully,
Registered Nurse.