Ms Julia Dobson
Head Nurse
Well Care Nursing Home
42 Darlinghurst
United Kingdom
12 June 2021,
Dear Ms Dobson,
Re: Mrs Silvia Rule, aged 69
Mrs Rule, who is diagnosed with bacterial chest infection is being transferred into your care for ongoing management and evaluation following discharge today.
On 10 June 2021, Mrs Role presented with the complaints of wheezing, shortness of breath,cough and fever. Crackles was audible on examination. Investigations such as x-ray, blood test and computerised tomography tests were performed and confirmed the diagnosis of bacterial chrdt infrction. During hospitalization, oxygen was administered through facemask and treated with injection amoxcillin,500mg; she became reluctant aggressiveand started ti behave inappropriate and diagnosed with Alzheirmers disease.
Mrs Rule, has habit of drinking and smoking occassionally. She has past history of diabetes, hypertension, and dementia. Two months back, she had suspected pneumonia and treated with oxygen and antibiotics.
Based on the above mentioned circumstances tab amoxcillin, 500mg has to be continued for one week. Monitoring of symptoms and checking for medication. Complaince would be profoundly beneficial.
If any addtional information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse
Emergency Department
St patricks Hospital
390 Victoria street
Bry Head
United Kingdom.