The Community Nurse
Community Health Centre
3 January 2022
Dear Community Nurse,
Re:Mr Philip Satchell, aged 73
Mr Philip Satchell, who has been diagnosed with multiple Sclerosis (MS),type 2 diabetes and chronic both leg ulcers, requires further management and appropriate care after being transferred into your centre.
Mr Satchell lives alone in public housing. He will move to equilant housing in Maroubra for MS treatment. Currently, his MS is stable; but, frequent relapses have been noticed. In addition, recurrent Staphylococcus Aureus infection and legal service have been reported. Despite of giving education, he is non-complaint with oral diabetic agents and diabetic diet.
Mr Satchell, has been prescribed with intravenous antibiotic twice and Metformin , thrice a day, which needs to be continued. Regular daily dressing has been provided for both legs and to be changed. Medication complaince blood sugar levels and signs of MS relapse have been monitored Constantly. He is reinforced regarding diabetes.
Based on the above mentioned circumstances, ongoing care and guidance would be appreciated. Mr Satchell should be treated with oral antibiotics there. A referral to Prince of Wales Diabetic Clinic has been recommended for Medication review and education. A neurologist review has been facilitated for MS follow-up. It is important to connect with community services in order to ensure the social network.
In case of any additional information is required please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Registered Nurse.