Ms Marcia Devonport
West End Physiotherapy Centre
62 Vulture Street, West End
Brisbane 4101
25 May 2008
Dear Ms Devonport,
Re: Mr Bob Dawson, DOB:25 September 1924
I am writing to introduce Mr Dawson, who has been diagnosed with Cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Mrs Elizebeth Dawson requesting a home visit.
Mr Dawson has had cerebrovascular accident 4 years ago and mentally alert, slight speech impairement, residual weakness left side walk with limp, balance slightly impaired.
During home care on 18 May 2007 onwards to dressing in the wound and assist with showering and grazed knee redressed; however, no sign of infection. Moreover Mr Dawson managing to get around the house slowly with aid of his wife. He is managing well but he have pains. He is not using walker. Initially he do not know how to use. Moreover, Mrs Ellizabeth, asked to see local physiotherapist for him to improve mobility.
Mr Dawson married with Mrs Elizebeth aged 83 loves in own hose, both receiving age pensions. Mr Dawson is world war II veteran with gold health card.
Kindly assess for him mobility and educate the walker importance.
In case if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Sanya Matthews
Nursing Sister
Blue Nursing Home Care Agency.