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QQ-3756. Mr Craig Hemsworth - Nursing – Chitra Calyanasundaram – Tonic Clonic Seizure


Dr. Crawlin Jones.

68 Revorsetle, clinic


-23 August 2019

Dear by Jones

Re: Mr Craig Hemsworth, aged 52

I am writing to update you regarding Mr Craig Homsworth who has been diagnosed with tomic clonic seizuros, requires continued care and management. It is being discharsed today.

Today, Mr Hemsworth was admitted to this hospital with complients of sudden faiting cencenioces, Jerking movements of arms and legs for 2mts and breathing stoped for 20 seconds face appear blue in colour, bladder encontine urine. He is recovered after 20mints ecerrently he had headache.

On assessment Mr Hemsworth appecered cencioces, drowscnes bleeding from tongue brasies in left arm and left knee and disOriented. He had history of heced injcery past 2 monllies deel to becerred visceb and hered ache. He has had hypertension service. 5 years. for which Tab. Amiodipcie 5mg OD

Currentley . Mr Homsworth CT scan snocees Subdceral haematoma Right occital reged.followed by irrj - mannitet 20mg two twice Clopital 75ml twice day mj. Phyntorics 10mg two tanies Injection ceftrirane two taines per day into 5 days.

Please Note:- Mr Homsworth anxiowatent Seizares at home after discharge. uncleede Monitor his condetion continue Tab Phenytocis 10mg morning avoid driving. Sternoces activiley regularly sleep heally diet

If you have any quires please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Registred Nurse.

4. Craig Hemsworth - Chitra Calyanasundaram


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