The Community Nurse
Community Health Centre
16 January 2022
Dear Community Nurse,
Re: Mr Phillip Satchell ,aged 73.
I am writing to transfer Mr Satchell who requires ongoing management for multiple sclerosis and diabetic leg ulcer at your facility.
Mr Satchell lives alone in public housing and will move to equivalent housing in marouba. He has good relationship with his two sons but rarely see them. Therefore, he need support to link with community services to increase coping and social network.
Mr Satchell condition of multiple sclerosis is stable at present but frequently relapsing. He has poor compliance with oral diabetic agents and diabetic diet. In addition, he has left and right leg ulcer with pus which got infected with staphylococcus aureus. Therefore, he was commenced on intravenous antibiotics,twice daily and metformin , thrice a day . Daily dressing twice to left and right leg ulcers. He was monitored for blood sugar level, medication compliance and signs of multiple sclerosis relapse.
Upon discharge plan, it would be greatly appreciated if you could switch to oral antibiotics but continue same diabetic medication and dressing. Kindly refer to prince of Wales diabetic clinic for medication review and education. Of note, facilitate referral to neurologist for MS follow up by doctor.
Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Registered Nurse.