Charge Nurse
Prince Henry Rehabilitation Centre
Malabar Bay
22 April 2011
Dear Nurse
Re: Mr Amir Akbari, aged 41
Mr Akbari, who was diagnosed with Bryilbin-Barre Syndrome is requires rehabilitation care,a transferring under your family and being discharged today.
On 6 March 2011 Mr Akbari got admitted to our hospital to sir required three day ventilation. Provide physiotherapy programme for to move limbs independently and also requires assistance in helping to do daily living exercise because increase muscle tone. Social worker is needs to slive the finances problem and discuss with the family member his condition. In addition to that he went regular plasmaplaresis and in weekly five day IV gammaglobulin was prescribed. Along with need to absence his respiratory rate and neurological signs.
Mr Akbari lives with wife and two children. He and his wife PhD student and weekly three time he is working in service station and has post-traumatic stress disorder due to war trauma. Before onset of GBS physically not unhealthy. Medication will be forwarded by the doctor.
Based on the aforementioned circumstances, requires proper rehabilitation care. It would be profoundly beneficial.
In case any additional information is required please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Charge Nurse
Neurological Ward.