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QQ-3873. Mrs Evelyn Brown – Nursing – Sangeeta Leema - Bilateral Osteoarthritis


Ms Jennifer Smith


The Grant Transition Care Home

42 Greenwell Avenue and Leeds

23 January 2018

Dear Ms Smith,

Re: Mrs Evelyn Brown, DOB: 09 August 1939

I am referring Mrs Brown who underwent an aspiration of bruising and fluid accumulation in the right knee, required further care and appropriate management from your facility following the discharge today.

On 21st January, Mrs Brown presented to the hospital with the complaints of severe pain in the right knee associated with painful ambulation. On examination bruising and fluid collection was noticed; therefore viscosupplementation of the right knee was performed and injection hyaluronic acid was used for lubrication.

Following the procedure Mrs Brown was monitored for 48 hours and her pain was managed with tramadol 6th hourly which can be continued if necessary.

Socially, Mrs Brown is a retired widow and survises with good pension with regard to medical history, she had moderate bilateral osteoarthritis in her right knee since 2013 and was hospitalized in 2016 for severe effusion in the same knee for which she was treated with articular steroid injection for three months.

Currently, she had made a good progress; however still requires walking stick for mobilization for the supporr. As she is overweight education was provided to reduce weight to ease load kn the knees. In addition, she was also advised to avoid pressure on patella and femoral joint especially while squatting and climbing the stairs.

Based on the aforementioned circumstances requesting you to monitor her complaince to exercises and medication. Encourage water aerobics along with isokinetic exercises to improve muscle strength. Kindly arrange toilet seat raiser and follow-up with the physiotherapy twixe a week for range of motion exercise. An appointment has been scheduled for Mrs Brown on 28th January and 4th February for injection.

In case any additional information is requires please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Registered Nurse

St. James Hopsital.


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