09 August, 2018
Ms Lyn Partige
Director of Nursing
Partridge Nursing Home
27 Little Street
South Australia
Dear Ms Partige,
Re: Mrs Joan Cummings, aged 81
I am writing to refer Mrs Joan Cummings, who requires further care and support from your service.
She has been diagnosed with anxiety syndrome followed by fall. She will be discharge tomorrow.
On 29 July 2011, Mrs Cummings presented yo the ansfield private hospital with complaints of
multiple bruishes followed by fall. On examination, she was diagnosed with post fall anxiety
syndrome and postural hypertension. During hospitalization, she was commenced for computerized
tomography for brain and fall risk assessment was done. In addition, she has been educated
regarding exercise program and importance of mobilization with activities of daily living. At present,
mrs Cummings looks better and she was able to walk with the help of wheele- walker.
Mrs Cummings lives with her daughter and her hobby is to spend more time for gardening. Her
medical history revealed that she had history of fracture in left neck and she has had vertigo and
dementia. Worthy to note, her family has some difficulty to take care of her.
Based on abovementioned circumstances it would be appreciated if you could take over mrs
Cummings. Kindly encourage her for physiotherapy inorder to strengthen her mobility and improve
activities of daily living. Your care is inevitable if you could link with physician and optometrist for
follows up care. Please note, her medication details hasbeen enclosed with this letter.
If you have further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely