NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 0:02 Good morning IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:02 Good morningNM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 0:06 my name is Malika PJ I am one of the registered nurses working in this hospital outpatient clinicIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:11 okayNM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 0:13 how are you Mr. JohnIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:15 I'm I'm okay So actually I'm posted for this time so you so fragile Akaka echocardiogram for the next week so I just want to know more about this procedure because I know her never had this procedure before Okay, okay,NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 0:36 so John no need to worry you are in right place I am here to help you get in detail. Okay Mr. John Okay. Mr. John disciplines me so buckle echocardiogram nice to provide the detail images and checking structure of the heart and analyze the blood flow and the planning planning for planning or any surgery or treatment and we will do this procedure initially Okay, okay Mr. JohnIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:05 Yes sister.NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 1:09 Do you know about this fancy survival we know you saw back on your program cardiogram this whole timeIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:15 I don't have any idea sisterNM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 1:20 okay no need to worry Mr. John. This is a transistor battle when echocardiogram he said that by inserting your probe with your fancy transducer down into your esophagus Okay. John provides a clear imagine a bit of the heart because the sound waves do not have any pass through the skin our muscles Okay. During this procedure during this procedure during this procedure, we will provide some medication okay Mr. John okay. And I will I will let you explain regarding this procedure before procedure we will we will ask you to provide for Dr. Dre six hours before prior this procedure okay. How does this sound Mr. JohnIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:11 right sounds good sister.NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 2:13 Okay, let me describe the about the Sub procedure during the this hospitalization we will be applying before the procedure we will give you anesthetic spray or light to study lightest sedation and we will even set out to God do you know about this mouth that Mr. JohnIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:34 I don't know SisterNM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 2:36 okay and in order to prevent the bite you will apply small digest to newer mouth okay my job so you will not you will not feel any pain or numbness okay. Okay Mr. Doc Do you have any other concerns for JohnIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:54 he says so is there any side effects after effect for this procedure?NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 2:59 Yeah Your question is considerable brain surgeon no need to worry i will use radio there is possible minor and minor disturb What are soreness, soreness sometimes also drowsiness Okay, Mr. John Okay. Mr. John, let me outline this procedure was to pursue their steps and given keep your subs we will ignore for observation sometime. Okay. Okay. After this procedure, you may need some someone need to accompany you.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:35 Okay.NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 3:37 Yesterday any anybody helping anybody is there to help you? Farakka moneyIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:42 Gnosis Gnosis, I leave alone and I don't have anyone else. So I should call someone to be with me on the day of procedure. So sister is a turkey that soon after the procedure, will I be able to discharge?NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 3:58 Yeah, you're never concerned is valuable. Mr. John, I will I will give you the detail detail. I did. I will give you details about to this after this procedure. You are not allowed to drive for 24 hours Mr. John? Okay. Okay. Okay. After the after the procedure. You need some rest. Okay, Mr. John. Okay. Do you have any other facts on Mr. John?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:29 When will I get the result after the procedure sister?NM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 4:34 Okay, Mr. John, you will get the result. It will scan and analyze to probably what not two weeks it will take the following the following the result you need some follow up appointment with an MEP? Well, GP.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:49 Okay. Okay. Okay. Are you willing to turn your sisterNM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 4:56 Okay, thank you for your willingness to be shut down. I will prefer other necessary things okay do you have any other concernsIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 5:04 no more concern sisterNM NURSE MALLIKA PITCHIYAH 5:07 I think I have address all your concerns thank you thank you for your listenIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 5:11 thank you