NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:01 Good afternoon.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:01 Good afternoon.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:03 My name is Jamila. I'm one of the regional smokiness Community Health Center. Please come in have a seat.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:09 Thank you notes.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:11 Oh, can I help you?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:13 I want to know about this malarial medication and how it is related to depression.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:19 Sure, before proceeding for documentation purposes, could you tell me your name, please?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:24 My name is JohnNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:27 asked Mr. John. Can you tell me why you want to know regarding this medication? Any reason behind this? Yes, IIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:37 actually am planning to go for it. And before going to that trip, I want to take this malarial medication because I'm planning for that trip in Southeast Asia.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 0:51 Your question is reasonable. Can you tell me the length of your vacation trip? IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:58 It will be around a monthNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:01 Okay, are you going areaIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:05 nurse it will be according to the time adjustment mostly I'll be preferring the rural areaNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:12 okay. Whatever actually, you should take main thing you should take the medication for to prevent further complication for malaria, because there is a chance of contagious disease that's why this is a recommendation and moreover, this is not complicated to what you are taking that decrease in medicine and malaria. Not any side effects. Are you getting my point?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:40 Yes nurse but I have it out. Yet me nurse I have read that patients who are suffering from depression should not take that malarial medication is that right?NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 1:54 Answer is reasonable. But I in your situation what you ask there is no any harm to taking both medication this is how you should take medication for depression for the treatment as you're taking before also you should continue that one or ever you are going to visit so what that are that malaria medication you should pay 100 mg daily with the food before traveling to do this before traveling or following me.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:35 Yes nurse I have to take the medication before traveling itself.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 2:41 After that, you should go during the pre Paulson use a day after returning back you should continue that for four weeks. It got my pointIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:52 but nerds taking the medication for four weeks is a long period will it leave any side effectNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:00 ever question is reasonable Mr chan not to worry because this is if you're taking this medicine it will all be allowed multiplication parasite that's why it is taking this medication America malaria medication is beneficial for your health.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:21 Okay, now, yes nurse I agree with you.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:26 And moreover, you should not skip your antidepressant medicine also.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:31 Sure nurse I will follow your advice, but nurse can you please tell me the preventive measures I should take during this journey?NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 3:41 Sure. You should some items you should take me take medication and moreover whenever taking going that area and various types of drink drinking water that was drink warm water and water is possible and applied at some pharmacy that dream is available to there is a photo malaria right now there is some creams are available. So if you're applying there is less chance of fighting that the malaria parasites. So if you have learned that is beneficial and when you are more aware I want to give suggestions regarding you are taking medication now some side effects will be there. There is a heartburn, upset stomach increased risk of burning like sensation. So you take more water. Okay,IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:46 gainers, thank you for your advice. I will follow it.NS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 4:52 Thank you if you have any doubt you can contact us. I wish you a safe journey and Don't skip your mouse both medication during your travelsIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 5:04 yes nurse I will follow youNS NURSE SHARMILA DCOSTA 5:07 thank you.
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