NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:01 Good afternoon.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:02 Good afternoon nurseNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:04 Thomas one of today's nurses working in this community asIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:09 well. My name is John here today nurse relationship between malarial medication and depression.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:25 Okay, thank you for seeking medical attention from your words they understand that you are concerned regarding malaria medication, depression. So do you want to know this early case?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:43 Yes nurse actually I'm going to a trip and I help patients with the depression should not take that malarial medication. RightNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 0:55 will explain you before moving on with your permission may or may I ask regardingIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:04 this yes nurseNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 1:08 Okay, so I'm going to stay there and planningIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:12 for a monthNS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 1:16 okay, very rarely are you understanding the lady or urban area?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:20 Mostly I'll be in rural areas but if I have some time I will plan to visit some cities.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 1:30 Okay, so those who are traveling our country to another country for me more say understand that you're going to say most of the time that area so the malaria prophylaxis is very necessary. There is no relation between depression and malaria medication. Getting me John,IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:56 okay nurse.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 1:59 So, medication name is a clean if you're willing, I would like to tell you regarding the dosagesIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:09 Yes, Nurse please proceed.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 2:11 All right, so the one was darling need to take the tablet offer doxycycline 100 milligram daily with phone before two days before you travel. You have to continue during the pump and also you need to complete it and the you come back four weeks after getting meIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:35 yes nurse but the continuing the medication for so long, meLeave side effects.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 2:42 Your questions are very reasonable. There could be some side effects like heartburn upset upset stomach and increases costs. But trust me, Mr. Shawn, they are very minimal risk and the benefit will will be more than the side effects. Being center Do you have any other concern?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:11 No nurse, I want to know that taking this medication for so long we'll be safe.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 3:21 This medication longer time will not make any problem but as long as you are going to a area where there is risk of mosquito transmitted diseases, it is very important for you to take the medication as well as to prevent the bite from the mosquitoes because they receding is highly contaminated with malaria and kind of diseases and your length of stays almost like one month. So a long time narcissists are commended because you know the malaria parasite need this much time to multiply. So it is essential to take on long term pain medications.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:12 Okay, now, gainers, I agree with you. I will follow all the medication.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 4:19 Okay. So so I have to say that if you're not taking these medications, and if you get malaria, the chances of getting heart problems and kidney problems are more and you have beenIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:34 Yes, nurse, I don't want to have those problems. I agree to take the medication.NS NURSE SIBY THOMAS 4:39 Okay, thank you. Mr. John, thank you for the acceptance and I wish you a happy journey.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:47 Thank you.