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SS .1882. Reenu Jose - Sheba Kurian



IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:00 To start NR NURSE REENUJOSE 0:04 Good afternoon, my name is Trina jus I'm one of the charge nurse or can you guess? How can I address you?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:11 Or you can call me, John.NR NURSE REENUJOSE 0:14 Hi, John, please be seated. How can I help you today?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 0:18 Actually, my father who is Mark who is admitted here with the, with the complaint of stroke, and then, when I came to meet my father, I saw that the nurses were giving feed to the nasal tube. So I'm just worried, would it be comfortable for my father or it may give any difficulty to my father? So could you please explain me in detail?NR NURSE REENUJOSE 0:55 Mr. John, I completely understand your concerns as a son, you're very much concerned regarding your child, your father condition don't get upset your father is always safe in our hands and also for us, you know, your father has diagnosed with a stroke. And personally he has some difficulty by soloing and doing activities also. And as swallowing difficulties we have inserted nasal gastric feeding to the illness to creating we are giving nutritious requirements for him in order to our dehydration and avoid other problems also, and if we are not administering to feeding the discharge to get cioppino also leads to aspiration and can lead to far more complications in the future in order to avoid that we are giving rise to pee really are able to understand whatI am saying.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 1:52 Yes, I do understand. So you're trying to say that there is no other alternatives to this nasal to feeding, right?NR NURSE REENUJOSE 2:03 Yes, Mr. Jones, at this situation, it's necessary to give rise to dating only the best option right now. And once your father got in broad and he if he is able to solo properly, we will Rebo as soon as possible. And make clear to you.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 2:20 Yes, sir. And also I saw that the some nurses were lifting my father to give position with the help of lifting machine. So would it say for my father?NR NURSE REENUJOSE 2:34 Yes, definitely. Mr. John, it's, it's very safe and secure for you for that as your father is not able to walk himself, it's really beneficial for him to improve his blood circulation and prevent for further skin injuries. Also, if he is continually laying on the bed, there is chance to develop bed sores. Also, in order to avoid that we are losing. We are using this leaking machine. And while transferring, it's very easy to transfer also. And there is no pain or any discomfort for the types but it's very beneficial for him right now. Advocating my pointIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 3:13 yesterday, and also when I came I saw that the nurses nurse was giving care to my patient and my father was not a fully covered up. So could you please take care of my father's privacy?NR NURSE REENUJOSE 3:33 Mr. Joe, on your own patient privacy and rights are more important for us. And we are always making much important for their privacy's and whenever we are giving assistance or procedures or giving back to them, we will make sure that the door should be shut out and curtains will be closed always then only we will proceed with the procedures. And next day, if I will all will inform our colleagues to do the privacy's as as much as perfectlyIS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:07 okay, Sister,NR NURSE REENUJOSE 4:08 how does that sound?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:09 It sounds good sister.NR NURSE REENUJOSE 4:13 Do you have any other concerns?IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:15 I don't have any other concerns sister.NR NURSE REENUJOSE 4:18 Okay, once again, I'm assuring you that won't disappoint you with your father condition your father will be alright with proper medication at the management. And once your father will improve his condition we will as soon as possible we will remove his rice tubes and he get a fade him himself also and you can take him back to the home. I have cleared all your doubts if you have any concerns. I'm happy to clear you out. Thank you for listening.IS INTERLOCUTOR SHEBA KURIAN 4:46 Okay, thank you so much.


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