Rematching speakers... SPEAKERS NURSE (67%), INTERLOCUTER (33%) NR NURSE RENU MATHEW 0:02 Good afternoon.IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 0:03 Good afternoon nurseNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 0:05 My name is Dana Matthew I am registered nurses working in this community has been there please have a seat. IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 0:13 Thank youNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 0:16 and what's being able today?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 0:18 Yes nurse I I came to this local health care center to obtain information about my mother's most recent health report. She She is now 80 years old and she's becoming somewhat forgetful and she is very independent person she does she does not like me interfering in her personal affairs but I would like to know about cholesterol levels recently she had her three month three month checkup that doctor told her that she has high levels of cholesterol levels so I would like to know what this cholesterol and what are the general values of this cholesterolNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 1:01 before going for the Can I know your name for the common data communication?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 1:06 Okay myself see you can call me rhocNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 1:11 Okay, thank you Miss rotary and before going further this time I want to ask you do you have any idea about the policyIR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 1:18 No, no, no no, I don't have anything knowledge on this cholesterolNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 1:24 Okay nothing to do very I will explain to you everything in detail and first of all let me start with this what is called a stroke cholesterol it's nothing but it's a fat like substance material percent in the blood and the most of the tissue it will deposit and then there are two types of cholesterol in 70s High Density Lipoprotein and the second one is a low density lipoprotein mmm this this high density lipoprotein is good and low density lipoprotein is bad for our health. Are you able to follow me mister? Missus RosieIR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 2:00 yes yes yes nurse nurse what is mean by a fairly high level of cholesterol and I'm very much concerned about her condition. Is there anything worseNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 2:13 okay, I don't worry I say my daughter I can understand your feeling if I were you I would react the same way but nothing to be worried you are in the right place I will explain to everything in detail in case of you know means her deposit is logged in it so deposited in the address there is a chance to get the habit that or stop but nothing to be worried we say controllable and manageable condition. Okay. are able to follow meIR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 2:41 yes nurse okay nurse, nurse, what are normal cholesterol levels should my mother beNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 2:47 in a mother condition it is where the cholesterol level is little bit high it's a 5.5 milligram anymore her blood but it is quite high and it should be below two percentage. So you know you need to be worried we can manage the cluster with a lifestyle modification and doing the exercise proceed with that can I said just use some viable remedies to how we can reduce the cholesterol level.IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 3:21 Okay, now it's okay. And I also tell some diet plan for my mother.NR NURSE RENU MATHEW 3:31 Okay, don't worry Mr. Rossi. I will give you the brochure, leaflet whatever things will be your mother can take and I will give you the leaflet and you will get a clearer picture of the idea about the color stall and the bottle put there by exercise everything it will be included in their brochure and I want to tell you that there are two hours the saturated fatty foods and she can include the more basic developments in her diet and she can do some activities as she says whether she's doing any physical activities at home the doorway that already sees ideas orIR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 4:11 soften her lunch or water after her dinner she normally walks with some time that's itNR NURSE RENU MATHEW 4:18 right so good to hear that but it's gonna tell her to continue follow the follow that continue that one and you should follow all these incisions and sit in the flow network and as she did with the exercise and they haven't suppose I reassure you that she will be perfectly alright and policy level will be reduced after sometimes. Is that okay? Miss Rosie?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 4:47 Yes, no. Thank you so much for your valuable information. And I'll take whatever you have told meIR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 4:57 have anything else? You want me to explain more?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 5:00 No no thank you so muchNR Confirming Speaker... 5:03 thank you I will bring the brochure for you can get the detail picture of the condition and the diet plan and thank you for listening to me thank youIR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 5:11 thank you.