NN NURSE NEETU 0:00 Good morning. IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 0:01 Good morning.NN NURSE NEETU 0:03 Please be seated.IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 0:05 EssNN NURSE NEETU 0:07 Okay, my name is Pedro. I am one of the community nurse working in this community. Could you please tell me? IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 0:14 Yes myself,Maggie.NN NURSE NEETU 0:16 Maggie. Okay. Makini I know the reason for your visit today.IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 0:21 So I came to your health care center to obtain information about my mother's servicenter health report. My mother is now 80 year old and he is coming and is becoming somewhat forgetful. She's very independent person and she does not like her interfering in any other personal affairs. Any personal affairs. She told me recently that she had three months checkup, doctor said that cholesterol level were fairly high. The purpose of my visit is to learn more about this cholesterol and how to reduce this cholesterol.NN NURSE NEETU 1:01 Back to Full Tank pure Maggie to come come to the community center. MIT Do you have any other idea regarding the cholesterol?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 1:09 No, no nice. I just want to know what cholesterol is all about.NN NURSE NEETU 1:14 Don't worry, Miss Maggie, I can understand your mother's condition because we are so worried about your mother condition. We don't worry you are in Brightspace I will provide the information or the barrier market condition okay. IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 1:28 Okay, nice. Yeah, yeah. Yes, NN NURSE NEETU 1:33 I will explain and first of all cholesterol in cholesterol means that it is fat like material present in the blood or mostly tissue that is called us in cholesterol. There are two types of cholesterol is available. One is the High Density Lipoprotein. The second one is a lot NCP, lipoprotein, you know, in high level of high density lipoprotein, is it good. But in low density lipoprotein is bad. Or you put it my point? IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 2:01 Yes. NN NURSE NEETU 2:02 Okay. Mackey epidemic can ask questions about your mother condition. Yes. Okay. Can you please describe me what kind of food your mother is taking?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 2:14 He is? Food.NN NURSE NEETU 2:17 Yeah, so what kind of food she's eating?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 2:20 She takes everything we're available with us now. She did. She don't have anything like tight plan before.NN NURSE NEETU 2:27 Okay. She's doing any exercise in your form at least intense thatIR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 2:33 was for some time only only for some time. She just walked with some time. That's it. NN NURSE NEETU 2:39 Okay, thank you for all the information. You know, when you're taking the food, that fat is more means that will load into the arteries that can kill leads to some fatty sososo stroke that's a as in this would be a great your mother to take some exercise at least in 10 minutes in your day. Then I can give one brochure also about your diet management. How does this sound?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 3:05 Yes, thank you. It's good. Doctor, I want to talk what is what it is mean by fairly high level of cholesterol and I was very much concerned about my mother's condition. Could you if if there is anything worse than I would like to know about that?NN NURSE NEETU 3:25 Yeah, I will explain on this Maggie, don't worry, you are mother condition. I already said that we are seeing a lot of people in your community can help us under the same situation, but we are providing some information and management about that condition that should be followed I mean, we can provide we can provide this condition plus to four year firstly is what you mean by in fairly high level of cholesterol you know, in in cholesterol level is elevated above 5.5 ML liter in the blood means we are called does that fairly high level of constant that is not good for your health. Are you good at my point? IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 4:00 Yes. NN NURSE NEETU 4:02 But don't worry our Maggie, I can give you some management about your mother conditions. First of all, when you're giving the food for your Mother, please try to avoid some saturated fat and to provide some fiber photos that will help to reduce your mother's cholesterol contain your blood then I strongly recommended that please consult any dietitian immediately because she can or he can provide some good dietary management your mother's condition. Okay. IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 4:36 Okay, nowwhat is the level of my mother's cholesterolNN NURSE NEETU 4:43 your mother cholesterol level Asia in six actually, that takes about three sets batting sadly, high cholesterol level, but we need to try to produce in 5.5 minutes. Okay, IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 4:57 okay. NN NURSE NEETU 5:00 I can keep on a brochure about your cholesterol and management side of complication everything. How does this sound?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 5:08 Yes, nurses good. Nurse what? What should I do to lower my mother's cholesterol level?NN NURSE NEETU 5:16 That's why I said me. Miss Maggie, you try to provide you try to provide in a more fiber food, food to your mother and you had two hours in saturated fat. Okay. Do you have any other query site?IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 5:31 No, no, no, thank you so much that thank you for giving me valuable information about his cholesterol and cholesterol levelsNN NURSE NEETU 5:40 of snaggy. Once again, I reassured us that don't bury our mother consumption because within the medication as well in dietary management can reduce the cholesterol level in your mother consumption. Okay, IR INTERLOCUTER R LEENA 5:54 thank you. NN NURSE NEETU 5:55 Have a thank you.