KARIM (74%), DIABETES (15%), DOCTOR (11%)
DM DIABETES MELLITUS 0:01 You can start now.KK KARIM KADISSI 0:03 Okay, good evening. My name is Dr. Carrion, I'm your treat induction for today. So I had recent love fest and blood glucose tests today which confirm your diabetes mothers. Have you ever heard about this diagnosis?DM DIABETES MELLITUS 0:21 No, Doctor, I have heard of diabetes. But is this the same as sugar diabetes? Can you give clarification to my dog?KK KARIM KADISSI 0:32 Okay. Okay. Yeah, I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. So diabetes, let me explain you the diabetes mellitus. It's is a common condition disease this over the past decade. So it's a there is two types of diabetes. First one concern childhood will they release? Which risk which caused by allow level of answer however, type to mostly younger gender or adult or aged patient, which had uncertain but is resistance called tissue resistance as is not allowed alone of uncertain budgets? It's instead it's resistance tissue resistance to answer. That's why you have this condition. Now. It doesn't mean it doesn't mean that you have if you have high level sugar that you have diabetes. Okay. DM DIABETES MELLITUS 1:32 What is theKK KARIM KADISSI 1:33 value is a lot of diabetesDM DIABETES MELLITUS 1:35 diagnosis doctor are not very much convinced about this diagnosis. Could you be right? Could that be correct? And because I don't eat sugar or anything else? I only did the issue.KK KARIM KADISSI 1:48 I understand what you mean, I completely understand what you mean. If you're not eat a lot of sugar, your tissue doesn't respond to your insulin instead of your sugar level of blood sugar level to go over into the cell your insulin doesn't work doesn't do this work. Okay, your insulin just here for nothing? Do you understand that? DM DIABETES MELLITUS 2:10 Yes, of course.KK KARIM KADISSI 2:12 Okay, that's why gives you a lot a high level of blood sugar. This is why you have a higher level instead of this sugar could be going into yourself it it will remain in your block and your circle and circle and circle. Okay. This is okay. Do you have any concern about on any question about the threshold or how we canDM DIABETES MELLITUS 2:37 believe the diagnosis? I am ready to commence on their suggested management plan for controlling my level what is the need? I don't understand. So theKK KARIM KADISSI 2:49 other schools question DM DIABETES MELLITUS 2:50 get a clearer picture.KK KARIM KADISSI 2:53 Yeah, I understand your concern because we have done two tests this is the second test and the whole the World Health Organisation confirmed and recommended that if the second test is high level above 7.6 That's mean you have what's called diabetes you are now you are now diabetic diabetic you have diabetes now because you have to test different tutors with different type had this high level of blood glucose Okay, DM DIABETES MELLITUS 3:25 okay. KK KARIM KADISSI 3:26 This is recommendation international recommendation beta we cannot change this or though I can see. So, this is confirmed because we do they have the down study about this and they confirmed recommendation about this okay. Any concern about how we can manage this condition early to evolveDM DIABETES MELLITUS 3:47 some other tests doctor more tests so that we can have a complete picture about my health condition?KK KARIM KADISSI 3:54 Yeah, we can do another test which God storage blood glucose, but in your case two is enough to standard This is enough and now we have to avoid any complication. And we started treatment okay. If you start early treatment with the recommendation that you have to follow low diabetes fads and diet, we can prevent any complication the future instead of the winner repeating the same test storage as fasting blood tests which they will they will explain the same they will they will do they will confirm the same diagnosis. Okay. Which diabetes? DM DIABETES MELLITUS 4:34 Okay. KK KARIM KADISSI 4:34 Do you have any question of DM DIABETES MELLITUS 4:35 that when hank you very much. Really fine, no problem, whatever you say, but I'm not very happy and convinced. But okay.KK KARIM KADISSI 4:46 Yeah. So yeah. Thank you. I'm glad to have you doing so. So now we have we will discuss the early treatment and the way you can file and we can manage your condition at home to prevent any condition like blood, Basak damage our damage kidney damage suitable damage do understand that can we explain this okay do you have any connects point this go ahead the first without prescribe for you tablets Metformin that will decrease the decrease with diabetes sugar at the same time you have to test and measure your sugar level at all times a day before and after meal do not like breakfast and dinner okay at the centre you have to follow low sugar diet together we measurement measurements of blood pressure and cholesterol okay to prevent any type of complication to to follow the sugar on the blood pressure the same and both the increased risk of cardiac blood vessel damage and kidney damage DM DIABETES MELLITUS 5:56 Okay. KK KARIM KADISSI 5:58 In addition we will do a brief and feet eyes exam each six months and then each yearly. Okay? Once a yearDM DIABETES MELLITUS 6:08 okayDK DOCTOR KARIM EI KADISSI 6:10 and you have to follow my my recommendation about diet and lifestyle you have to exercise 30 minutes every day to decrease the load sugar disability case cholesterol level if you had it at the same time follow high level of fibre vegetables fruits and decrease your intake of sugars normal coffee okay normal sugars in your diet they'll understand that but at the same time our refer to with dietitian there will suggest some way you can manage you your meals how you can manage your your breakfast and dinner and lunch the way you can how you can measure your carbohydrate in your meal. Okay. You can fit with that you have any concern about that with any questions?DM DIABETES MELLITUS 6:54 No doctor, I'm very comfortable.KK KARIM KADISSI 6:56 Okay. I'm glad I'm glad you asked about it. So I will manage. I will. I will I will make an appointment with the addition tomorrow. DM DIABETES MELLITUS 7:05 Okay. Architect, KK KARIM KADISSI 7:09 thank you so much.