NS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 0:02 Good morningIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:03 Good morning nurseNS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 0:08 II know the reason behind that.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:11 Not I am angry and these hospital staff nurses are not responding to meNS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 0:21 I am so sorry to hear about that.So, so if you don't mind, can you axe trainee deal about the problem which had happened youIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:36 know, yesterday I was in need of assistance. I ran the buzzer but no one came to assist me.NS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 0:50 So I'm really apologising you the difficulty which had happen to you from our side. Actually, I just want to explain the recent behaviour if you don't mind, can I proceed? Sonia?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:04 Yes, I would be better off my home with my mother and my husband. They would take care of me more than you.NS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 1:16 I know I'm really glad to hear that you someone is there to help and take care of at home. But before that, I just want to explain the reason behind yesterday we did not attend your sodium. Actually yesterday we had an emergency operation last night was for operation and also due to this flu epidemic. We have running short of staff which was covered with less experienced on core staff. So that is the reason it was I could not able to attend. Attend yesterday. I think I hope you can understand our situation.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:55 Not I am very much upset nurse I was suffering from appendectomy pain, I need assistance in using toilet. I did not receive any help.NS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 2:09 I'm so sorry Sonia. I can understand it was really tough for you. I'm really apologising you the the situation which are all which had been through but I'm really promising It won't happen again. This is the last day I'm promising you can trust me so yeah, it is the last day It won't happen anymore.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 2:33 Agreed. Agreed that there may be emergency work but even after 20 minutes also there was no one to help meNS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 2:47 is I can understand your feeling. Sonia it was very difficult. Because almost situation it was like that as I told you before because of these emergency surgeries plus I have a shortage of staff. Because of the edits happened yesterday like that but it won't happen never never. That is the last thing you can trust me Monica. In a cache come to the point Monica, I know you have difficulty you told me you are asked anyone to go wash through it was no one accented you I understand the situation so but we will do the better thing they will arrange a better style for you next time we will take care of you well.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 3:30 I'm really very much upset with the hospital staff. I cannot stay here anymoreNS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 3:40 Monica please understand, please cope with our situation. Actually I know this is your right if you want to go other hospital of course this is your part and your right to your wish I know everything but you understand if you were to discharge go to other hospitals it will take long procedure more than here. So if you will admit here if you will continue the service here of course we will promise you the better care and we will arrange a better staff for you. It will take care of your will estimates happen like that. I know you went through the situation it was really sorry to the things which had happened yesterday. Really please excuse as Sonia,IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:27 nurse I still require the gear pain relief if I need assistance to walk.NS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 4:36 Definitely we will arrange for that we will give the medication if you are not satisfied with percent medicine I will talk to your doctor then we will do the needful and also for your assistance we will arrange there will be analysis for helping you for that. If you want to go washroom we will be here to help you, Sonia. We will do all the necessary things for you. If you already, probably just boss up the bell we will at any time. Are you able to follow me, Sonia?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 5:08 Okay, nice. Thank youNS NURSE SIMI VARGHESE 5:12 Okay, thank you, Sonia for the willingness and from here onwards you won't feel any difficulties. We will attend you at a time itself. Thank you so much for your willingness and cooperation.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 5:25 okayness Thank you.