NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:02 Good evening my ma registered on duty today. TodayIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:13 even a baby three days without complication is it permitted to go home today? I don't want to go stay hereNP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:26 okay I really understand your concern. So if your dog my baby is here alright.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:34 My baby's slightly underweight to find seven kg he is breastfeeding, but he has not been paid from last day.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:46 Okay, so you are telling that you are feeding co blockers and am I correct? IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:53 Yes.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 0:56 Okay, so in scanning familiar DBIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:00 listenersNP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:02 from a combination, I can see that there is a large patches on his body. So, I suspected that it might be due to jaundice. So, hereIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:18 I'm afraid of his condition. What causes it?NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:29 To be panic, it's a completely treatable condition. Okay, so this is common among this newborn child. So we need to do one blood test to confirm whether babies have jaundice or not. Okay, so are you ready to do that?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:48 Okay, nurse.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 1:51 It's very important, because early treatment is very necessary to manage symptoms. So I would like to talk about the treatment options. So firstly, in severe cases, we are using blood transfusion to manage the symptoms. Okay. Then the second option is phototherapy. phototherapy means we keep the baby in the incubator, and we provided a blue light therapy which helps to reduce the blood component if it helps to reduce your baby's in before okay. Do you have any doubts regarding theIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 2:41 side effects of this?NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 2:45 Okay, that's a reasonable question from your side. No need to panic about the side effects. Because this side effects we have completely more winter your child so there is no chance of any effects. And in the time of this quarter, we cover your baby's genital area so there is no chance so the side effects are my clear to you.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 3:10 Yes. I am uncomfortable to stay in hospital. I'm not able to sleep comfortably here. I want to go home.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 3:22 So I really understand you're facing some difficulties while in this hospital. But I want to tell you these hospitalisation is very important for your child. And they came they because if your arguments I can provide for you. Is that okayIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 3:43 for you? Okay, next I want to return home has soon as possible I don't like to stay in the hospital.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 3:51 Okay, definitely because, but you need to understand because baby's healthy, it's also important for us. So to get a better diagnosis is very important to this practice. Then only we can identify his condition. Okay. He said before youIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:09 agree with us. Thank you so much. Is there anything else INP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 4:18 think so I can make an arrangement for the plan. Thank you so much for your time.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:23 Okay, nice. Thank you.NP NURSE PRASEETHA RAJU 4:26 Okay, thank you