IM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 0:00 Good afternoon my name is John Aizu now a about my condition that is just a pain and my cardinal infection I am very much a prayed about the changes I need to make in my life after diagnosis I'm feeling restless I know my condition is stable now but I'm worried a bit my future is falling you got mass do I need to take medic medicines anymore it will be hard for me to make changes in my life to cope with this diagnosis right following is taking my habit of smoking and drinkingnot for you okay nice nice Can you please explain about the dietary pattern I need to follow is also about the exercise our route lineNG NURSE GAIJIN SHANU 3:42 then following meIM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 3:49 Hey snap Tell me then in English okay nice Is there anything less I need to knowIM INTERLOCUTER MOUNIKA GUNDETI 4:22 you still want to come out okay now it's Thank you. Thank you so much for your advice. I will follow it no nuts Okay nice thank you.