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SS. 2754. Shanti Anoop - Pushpa Boddupalli


SPEAKERS Speaker 1 (88%), INTERLOCUTOR (12%) 1 Speaker 1 0:05 Good afternoon. I'm Shanti the community nurse coming from this just district hospital. So for the documentation purpose, May I know your name?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:21 You can call me push bar.1 Speaker 1 0:24 Okay, push. So is it the right time to talk to you?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:28 Yes, Nurse.1 Speaker 1 0:31 Yes. Okay. So tell me what brings you here today.IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 0:38 My mother of three children aged 346 I have just noticed that my six year old daughter has headlights worried about it.1 Speaker 1 0:51 I'm sorry to hear that, but don't worry, nothing to be alarmed about. It's really common condition. So nothing to be worried about. I'm here to help you. So before proceeding further, could you please tell me much some information regarding your daughter's condition?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:14 Okay, I clean my children's hair but I don't know how this happened. I'm feeling embarrassed about it.1 Speaker 1 1:25 Yes. I can really understand your concern and I do appreciate that you regularly wants your children here. But let me tell tell you that even if you are washing your children's hair properly then also it is very common to have utlize because see your children they are they must be going to school right.IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 1:56 Yes, she is studying1 Speaker 1 2:00 okay, yes push also this headlines is a common condition with these countries Yes. So, even if if some buddy from the students studying there, if one student is having headlines, and your your child is getting in contact with a child, then naturally your child will also get that. So, it's very common nothing nothing to be worried because we have lots of remedies for this. So, if you allow me Shall I tell you the remedies? Okay. Yes, thank you Pushpa for the consent to see you can I strongly recommend you to use an herbal product which is natural, non chemical that will be useful for your child and also try and cause your child as I said that it is contagious. So, if a child is coming in contact with other family members as well. So, you have to look for other family members for this head lice. Secondly, firstly, I told you regarding the herbal product which you can use, secondly, you can use her head lice comb, which is very effective and even useful. So that this can be used to take out the head lice Lynnie as you said that was your you said that you washing your child's hair regularly. So use use headlights sharp shampoo, which will be very effective. So I hope you wishIP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:04 Yes, nurse and please tell me how can I apply this medicine?1 Speaker 1 4:10 Okay, that's a reasonable question Pushpa. See, you just have to take up some amount of the utlize shampoo and you have to mix it with water and then make a solution and apply and leave it for five minutes and then rinse it with water. That's it's a very simple, simple, simple procedure. I hoping we'll be able to follow that.IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:40 Thank you very much for your information.1 Speaker 1 4:44 Yes, thank you Pushpa. So I hope they have cleared all your concern. Is there anything which I can assist you with?IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 4:51 Known as you have here in my own thoughts?1 Speaker 1 4:55 Yes, thank you. Thank you. I will also give you one leaflet Just having the detail information regarding the treatment and controlling the headlights that will be very effective for you. And I hope you this problem will be resolved without any other complication. So, I wish you or your child children speedy recovery from this problem.IP INTERLOCUTOR PUSHPA BODDUPALLI 5:26 Okay nice. Thank you. 5:28 Thank you. Thank you.


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