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SS. 2769. Mary Anushiya - Manju Tak



NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 0:00 Good morning, Miss Manju. IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:02 Good morning.NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 0:03 My name is Alicia, one of the registered nurses working in this hospital ward. And I'm on our side staff for you and I'll be taking care of you today. Well, Miss Manju, I can see that you're a little bit anxious. Could you please tell me the reason behind that?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:18 Yes. The surgeon saw me today. And he stated that I'm ready for discharge, but nurse who prefer to stay in the hospital rather than go home?NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 0:29 Of course, Miss Manji you're right doctor has decided to discharge you. I'm glad to tell you that. How are you feeling about your discharge?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:38 Nurse as I told you, I don't want to go home. I want to stay in the hospital itself.NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 0:45 I really respect your decision. But would you mind telling me why you want to go home rather than stay where you want to be in the hospital rather than going home today?IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 0:55 Yes, nurse because at home there is no one to take care of me and I like the hospital facilities the care which I'm getting here. So please allow me to stay in the hospital.NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 1:07 Thank you so much for your words. Miss Manju but I kindly tell you that be positive. Currently your health is satisfactory and you're about to discharge. As you're told that you have no health at home, try not to get worried we are here to help you We'll provide all the necessary arrangements for you to be at home. For example, like community help for the meals and Wheels program every day the nurse will be visiting you and he will check the progress how you're coping with your activities even with availability of mobility aids, everything how does that soundIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 1:46 but as I told you, there is no one at home to take care of me and I can't help myself at home so please allow me to stay in the hospitalNM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 1:58 rooms menu I can understand your perspective but being in hospital is not necessary because as I told you in a we are no know her make her made a significant progress and there is no need of hospital stay right now. So you can go home and continue the treatment will provide all the supportive services for you.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:21 I really feel that hospital just want to get rid of me and make room for other patients.NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 2:28 Every everyday can't stay in a hospital Miss Manju If you want I'll make the possible arrangements for you and special care for you to be at home but presently hospital care is not necessary for you and your alright now.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 2:49 I cannot buy please let me know if there is any possibility for me to stay in the hospital because I don't see at home I can recover fast as I do in hospital.NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 3:02 I can understand that your situation or you can't be alone at home. But one thing she was staying in hospital for further you can you because hospital staying in hospital? It will we'll get some more infections going on kindly telling you to goIM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:23 okayness if you recommend that it is the correct time for me to get discharged then I agree with you. I'm really feeling helpless.NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 3:32 Thank you for your cooperation with us and I can I I sense that you understand it very well.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:39 Okay, now, is there anything else I need to know?NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 3:44 No, mind you, I think I have clarified all your doubts. Only then you Please follow our advice and take proper medication.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 3:57 Okay, now, I will follow your advice. Thank you so much.NM NURSE MARY ANUSHIYA 4:01 I think I have clarified all your doubts. Thank you for your cooperation answering my questions. If you have any further queries or concerns, let me know I will be here to help you.IM INTERLOCUTOR MANJU TAK 4:12 Okay, thank you.


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