Rematching speakers... SPEAKERS JOSMIN (84%), INTERLOCUTER (16%) IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:05 Hello, good afternoon.JJ JOSMIN JOSE 0:10 Please be seated.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:11 Thank youJJ JOSMIN JOSE 0:16 for being in this community for my documentation, could you please tell your name?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:22 My name is JohnJJ JOSMIN JOSE 0:26 Campbell, Sir John, how can I help you today?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 0:30 I'm 40 years old recently, I become a parent and I had my 14th birthday. I'm thinking to give up smoking habit, I want your help in this case.JJ JOSMIN JOSE 0:43 Okay, Mr. John Paul, congratulation for the parent life. Okay. And, you know, actually, it's a good decision that regarding this cutting of the smoking, so, in order to get a clearer picture regarding your situation, I wanted to ask some more questions. Is that alright for you?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:00 Yes.JJ JOSMIN JOSE 1:04 So, could you please tell me regarding your smoking habit in detail,IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:09 now, as I roll my warm cigarettes, I smoke five six cigarettes in every eveningJJ JOSMIN JOSE 1:19 for you to wanting toIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:20 cut nice I love smoking and I look forward for it every day.JJ JOSMIN JOSE 1:30 So, as you said actually, you get your a new pair and actually that is the reason may be for it to be cutting this smoking Am I right TIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 1:40 is knowsJJ JOSMIN JOSE 1:43 really appreciating your decision Mr. John actually, it will give him harmful levels for your kids, if you are smoking in front of your kids. So, it is a better option which you decided. So, you know, have you ever tried for the quitting of smoking beforeIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 2:01 he is watching movies and having good meals always trigger to me smoke and as what extra help can be available for me to prevent the smoking habitJJ JOSMIN JOSE 2:15 definitely I can understand you are concerned Mr. John, when you will be enjoying with your friends when watching with the good movies, it will definitely make you to be happy having this smoking habit I have some support measures is there. So, I will suggest regarding that when actually we have some Champix tablets which will help you to reduce this cravings of smoking and even if you will block the rewarding efforts of cigarette also and you know there are other options like electronic cigarettes, which will satisfy the cravings without the danger of giving the damaging effects of smoking. So, by these two things, you can try with that, he will definitely help you to come out of this smoking habit. And other than that, I wanted to recommend you to make a plan together okay. So, that means you can try to set a date for the complete cutting of the smoking and try to gradually decrease the number of cigarettes which you are smoking daily. And when it comes to the your setting date you will be completely cut all the cigarettes and you will be free from the smoking habit. Do you think you can do that one?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 3:36 Yes nurse I agree with your advice.JJ JOSMIN JOSE 3:40 Okay, other than that, I wanted to tell you regarding the rewards and benefits by the coaching of smoking like you can save more money and it will decrease health problems and even your kids your family will be happy because you know the smell will be nicer. So, they will be happy and they don't have also much side effect of the health problems related to smoking or so. So, by these things, actually it will definitely outweigh the benefit okay. So, try to be follow these measures it will help you to come out of your smoking habitIA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 4:21 okaynessJJ JOSMIN JOSE 4:24 so, you know try to be fit their day to give up and I will prescribe the some of the champion tablets that are tied to use that one and under also you know there are by electronic cigarette which is available. So, I will give that also you can try with that one. Okay. So, onboarding, help and support tests are there there are various some client programs is there I can even enroll your name to them so that you can experience with the people who pop up with this similar condition so that you can have an idea how to pop up this person situation also, how does it sound?IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 5:07 Yes, that sounds betterJJ JOSMIN JOSE 5:12 to that group so you can join with them also. So do you have any other content? No, no. Okay, thank you for listening. So try to follow the measures which I told you. It will definitely help you to beat your smoking habit and if you have any concerns, you can contact me anytime I will be here to help you.IA INTERLOCUTER ANUSHA KYATHAM 5:33 Okay, nice. Thank you.
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