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IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:00 Good morning nurse.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 0:02 I am one of the registered nurses working in the emergency department. So I'll be here to take care of you. Okay.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:08 okayness.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 0:12 Mr. John, I think you're here to have an assessment on your wound. Is that right?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:18 Yeah. isnessNU NURSE USHA THOMAS 0:20 Okay, so before proceeding further, I would like to ask you some more questions regarding your background. Is that okay?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:27 okayness.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 0:30 So, could you tell me please? Do you have any medical history? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:35 No, no.I developed diabetes at the age of 35. GP has picked up on stately low fat and sugar died.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 0:47 Okay, that's fine. So you're not taking any medicines for that to nurse? Okay, that's fine in this article is did you undergone any surgery? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:57 No nurse.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 1:00 And about the family history, anybody in your family has diabetes or hypertension or any other disease conditions knownIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:07 as no one?No, no one has diabetes in my family.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 1:13 That's fine. Okay. And what about your habits? Can I ask about some more personal questions? Is that okay for you? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:19 okayness.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 1:21 Are you smoking or drinking alcohol? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:24 Yeah, is that I use it to smoky really? For 30 years, however, I do not drink.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 1:34 Okay, fine. That's it. And any other activities? Do you have any exercises or any yoga? Do you do any exercises daily base base? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:43 No, no, no. No, NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 1:46 so you're not acting not participating for any activities. Okay. And I need to ask you about diets. are you controlling your diet or you're just taking all the phones?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:04 Yeah, isness I only want a rise and I only nighttime tea party.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 2:15 So when I check your wound, this needs to be an IV antibiotic. Okay, because it is already in lectured as you have diabetes, and you're getting analysis that is different case that we need to start with an IV antibiotic and we have to cure the infection as early as possible. We did get my point IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:36 okayness NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 2:38 so as early as possible, I will start IVs Do you have any other service regarding that? IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:44 No, no. NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 2:47 Okay, you're okay with that. So and I will start IV antibiotic now and remaining days you have to keep your strict diabetic diet because your diabetes is getting worse if you are getting any answer, it is getting worse. So I'm sorry to say that but you need to strictly control your diet and the medication you have to continue your medication if you are getting any medication otherwise, I will trust the doctor to prescribe you some medications.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:18 Okay okaynessNU NURSE USHA THOMAS 3:21 and you need to improve your lifestyle habits too because you need to do some exercises daily basis that will also help you to get this diabetes controlledIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:32 okaynessNU NURSE USHA THOMAS 3:35 so that all things I need to inform you and if you need any other clarification, you can pass the buzzer I will be here to help youIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:43 know nothing.NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 3:47 So I think I have cleared all your concerns is the right IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:51 isness NU NURSE USHA THOMAS 3:53 Okay, so thank you. Thank you for.