NP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 0:00 Good morning.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:01 Good morning nurseNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 0:07 registered nurse so this outpatient clinics please be seatedIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:11 thank goodnessNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 0:14 okay okay how can I help you today?IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:19 Nurse My name is Maggie and I'm 40 years old recovering from skin cancerNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 0:32 Mrs Maggie Can you please tell me about your family and which sometimesIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:43 is nurse I live with my husband in my own house and I have two children Hooli along with meNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 0:55 okay Mr. Smiley is not that doctor is suggesting this computerized tomography to identify that there is some landlords hardware area for the diagnostic process purpose of this converter is to graph is that okay for you Okay, Okay Mrs. Maggie Thank you very much agree with any other constructionIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:32 problem is nurse I'm worried about replacing into illnessNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 1:41 Don't worry Mrs. Maggie tomographic after that was briefly explained where condition conditions try not too muchIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:06 I would like to I would like to know what the city examination are forNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 2:16 Okay Mrs. Maggie I can understand your situation Dr. Meeting abroad that is cancerous sisters identify for examination only if it is cancer means whether there is more treatments it's available in our hospital there is some human model since availableIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:48 to him authority no nurse can you please explain about thatNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 2:55 I am glad to explain you smaghi chemotherapy treatment that power chemicals to gain for growing abnormal cells cells in your body is thatIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:09 okaynessNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 3:12 and then the chemotherapy is most often given this type of cancers according to the tumor size and location of the tumor cells according to your general health and body weight according to different types is thatIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:37 okaynessNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 3:42 any other medical problemsIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:45 no nurseNP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 3:51 Okay Mrs. We are here to help you with some medication by not too much cancerIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 4:05 nowness.NP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 4:23 Also regarding effect also is there IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 4:48 kookiness?NP NURSE PUNITHA FRANKLIN 4:59 Is mineIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 5:05 Okay next thank you thank you .