IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:00 Afternoon nerds My name is John today yeahit's nurse I have met with an accident I have some injuries and I lost my blade I can't take this situation and I am feeling very sad.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 0:33 Mr John I can really understand you try not to worry you're at the right right the well acute hospital and we are at the very start. So, we will provide.for you. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 0:48 isness nowness.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 0:59 as your been the hospital following a road accidentIP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:03 yeah. NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 1:04 currently a condition.that you have any concerns about that.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:15 no nurse, what is transfusion.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 1:25 transmission even though we have met with an accident and we have lost significant amount of blood, so, currently you record some transmission to replace your blood. So, blood transfusion is nothing but it is a safe acceptor promisee we will be giving a blood according to your blood groups so that you can are following me. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 1:53 is nurse.nurse is it any ski of losing my blood can you please can you please explain the procedure.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 2:16 I can assure you that there is a possibility of infection is very small because this was the transcript we will check the door possible best for the donors and doing in order to detect infections such as HIV and AIDS are you following me.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:36 isness.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 2:38 there will be no possible infections to spread to you okayness let me highlight proceed you unexplained the procedure of blood transfusion. IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 2:49 isness. NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 2:52 first of all a blood of your same blood blood group will be collected from the blood bank it will be carried out to the stairwell and new centers on the line will be inserted in your arms.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:11 Okay.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 3:12 watching you wait for hours until the lead get over. Better to find if there's any cheating or any rashes or any accounts you can inform the nurse and they will immediately report to the doctor and they will immediately stop the blood transmission are you following me.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:35 isness.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 3:40 so that is nothing to be alarmed about that you're in the right place and I will be the cure for the book. So the procedure will take four hours.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 3:54 is there any. side isness.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 4:01 for that there is no side of it except some mild rashes and temperature but if you feel any donation in your symptoms while transfusing the blood informed the loss.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 4:21 isness.NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 4:28 I would like to ask.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 4:29 you no nervous Yeah, it's nurse. I don't know anything about the procedure after the explanation and the student ready to have the transfusion. Is This .NA NURSE ANUSHIYA 5:06 answering my questions every.IP INTERLOCTOR PRIYANKA AKUNURI 5:13 thank goodness.